You can find our podcast on all major podcast platforms. It is called “Two Peaks in a Pod”. We discuss women’s health, fertility, and how these topics are intertwined with pop culture.

Contact us here if you would like to schedule an appointment with us. We offer in person or virtual appointments. We even offer evening and weekend options to best serve our patients.

Future Family offers fertility financing. Click here to learn more.

In an effort to work around your schedule, we allow you to request what is convenient for you including weekend options. Contact us at: to let us know what dates and times work for you.

Fertility education

If you are under the age of 35 and have been trying to conceive for over a year it is likely time to see a specialist for an infertility work up. If you are over the age of 35 it is recommended that you see an infertility specialist after 6 months of trying to conceive. If you have irregular periods, you should see a fertility specialist right away- you do not need to wait a certain period of time.
In addition, it is appropriate for you to see a fertility specialist for any fertility related questions- even if you are not actively trying to get pregnant. Click here to schedule an appointment with us.

Yes! We offer a consultation where we perform hormone testing, an ultrasound and discuss your reproductive plan for conception. Click here to schedule an appointment with us.

Unexplained infertility is when you have undergone full infertility testing and no cause has clearly been identified for why you have been unable to conceive. There are several options for treating unexplained infertility including ovulation indication (OU) and intrauterine inseminations (IUI) as well as in vitro fertilization (IVF). At Peak Fertility, we feel that most cases of “unexplained infertility” have a root cause- it may just be that you haven’t found it yet. We will do our best to help you find out what the problem might be through specialized testing and treatment. Click here to schedule an appointment with us.

PCOS is a condition where the ovaries produce high levels of androgens (male sex hormones). These hormones cause a lot of follicles (sometimes called “cysts”) to be present on the ovaries. People with PCOS generally do not have regular menstrual cycles because they are not ovulating each month. This often makes getting pregnant very difficult for people with PCOS. Other symptoms of PCOS are acne or oily skin, facial or body hair growth, male-pattern baldness or thinning hair. The good news is we are PCOS experts! There are many options for getting pregnant with PCOS. Click here to schedule an appointment with us.

Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the inside of your uterus grows on other parts of your body. This tissue causes uncomfortable symptoms that can affect your fertility and wellbeing. The most common symptoms of endometriosis are painful periods, pain with sex, abdominal and back pain, and heavy periods. Because endometriosis can cause infertility, we recommend seeing a fertility specialist earlier in your fertility journey if you have ever been told you may have endometriosis. Click here to schedule an appointment with us.

This likely indicates that you are not ovulating. You may need a medication to help you ovulate each month. Click here to schedule an appointment with us.

If you are not having regular cycles, you are likely not ovulating. We would recommend coming in for a consultation to discuss options for ovulation induction. Click here to schedule an appointment with us.

We recommend coming in for a fertility consultation. We will perform an additional work up including evaluation of your uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovarian reserve. You may need additional help conceiving such as an intrauterine insemination. Click here to schedule an appointment with us.

If you have had your tubes tied or a “tubal ligation” there are options for having a baby in the future. Depending on the type of surgery you had, you may be a candidate for a tubal reversal. This is a surgery where we reconnect the fallopian tubes so that you can try to get pregnant. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is always an option for patients that have had their tubes tied, as IVF does not require functional fallopian tubes. Click here to schedule an appointment with us.

still have questions?

For any information, please do not hesitate to reach out.